Sunday, June 5, 2011

GTL: A Way of Life

Ok, so after 4 seasons I've finally jumped on the jersey shore bandwagon. Clearly the show is ridiculous, but there is something captivating about this band of juice-heads. Anyway, the point here is- out of nowhere, I found a deep and profound life lesson within the show in one little catchphrase: GTL.

Gym * Tan * Laundry

It all make so much sense!

Good for the body, good for the mind. As much as I gripe and moan, I always feel great after a workout. Getting this into a daily/weekly routine would certainly lift the spirits and, let's be real, my thighs wouldn't complain.

Yes being tan is nice. A healthy glow is slimming and a sun kissed complexion makes this pale gal look alive again. No mind blowing revelation here that Seattle is not the best place to catch some rays. During those 3 glorious months (if we're lucky) of summer, of course I will sit out at the park/lake/bar deck/whatever and soak some real sun. However, for the rest of the year alternatives must be found. I refuse to jump into a tanning bed, but I will slather myself up good with some tanning lotion/bronzer. (I prefer Lancome Flash Bronzer... It's the best people!). You can also go the spray tan route, which I have not done personally but am not opposed to. Just so long as you keep it natural. No oranges please!

Possibly the most underrated of the three because it feels like a chore. However if your stuff is clean you have more opportunities to mix up your wardrobe and get creative with your current gear. Plus it reduces the clutter of dirty clothes piles. If you don't have dirty clothes piles, I commend you.


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