Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Unintentionally Intentional Mission to be More Girly

As it turns out, I wear a lot of things that are a)black, b)voluminous or hanging, and c)skinny black pants . Another truth is that I am (sadly) not Kate Moss or an Olsen twin. And for the past few years, I hear from the world that I a)don't wear enough color, b)ought to wear clothes that better showoff my figure, and c)some people claim to have never seen me in a dress. Recently, I have started to listen, take note and CONSIDER these observations which I coin collectively as an effort to being "more Girly".

(Girly with a capital 'g' to make it seem serious, sort of like God with a capital 'g', though God is never serious to me but actually more silly.)

I had been considering these things nonchalantly for the past few weeks until I realized that I have subconsciously been becoming more Girly and have barely even noticed!

Here's the evidence from the past week of my life:

Pink Pedicure! Pink Ted Baker Dress Purchase! Cosmos! (aka not Jameson)

Where the fuck did all this pink come from? Do I even like pink? The answer is YES. A resounding YES and the world around me likes it too.

Noticing the unintentional has thus made my mission FULLY intentional and now its all I can think about. Each day I ask, "how am I Girly today?" "What am I doing to show how Girly I can be?" "Would someone say I was Girly if they just met me?"

My life is fucking enriched.


1 comment:

  1. I wore an outfit that was very BWG DC today. Oversized drapey white top, Joes leggings, Dolce Vita Ashers, Rebecca Minkoff Beloved Mini bag, long unruly hair... Done and done.
